Do you know the meaning of the lyrics of the songs you listen to? Sometimes, when we listen to songs in other languages we don’t know their lyrics. It is said that listening to music in other languages is one of the best ways of learning it because you learn it without having to study.
That can be one of the reason that lead you to download and use AutoLyrix, a program that works together with Winamp and features on screen the lyrics of the song you listen on it.
It’s an interesting way of knowing more about your favorite foreign music groups. From now on, lyrics and cd cover will be featured on screen.
Of course, AutoLyrix takes advantage of the Internet connection to find the lyrics based on the tags of each track.
Finally, AutoLyrix allows you to export information for iPod, MP3 or iTunes library.
Reviewed by Álvaro Toledo
Translated by Uptodown Localization Team
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